Awards Overview
Entry Information
How to Enter
Entry Rules
Editing Rules
Terms & Conditions

Category Descriptions



Images must depict a portrait of a pet in the studio, on location or at home. Images may be candid or posed. Images that include humans may be better suited to the Pets and People category.



Images should depict a pet in action, running wild and free, playing or in some way conveying movement. Images taken at sporting events may be better suited to the Documentary category.



Images should exhibit creative techniques in shooting and/or editing. Images featuring conventional subject matter, shot using standard capture methods, or using basic editing techniques may be better suited to other categories.

Pets and People


Images should showcase the special relationship between humans and their pets. Images in this category must contain in full or in part, at least one person and one pet.



Images must be single-capture and portray or give context to an actual event or situation. They should be thought-provoking images of real life. Rescue work, humanitarian causes, working animals, dog sports and images that showcase stories of pets in their daily lives are suited to this category. Staged, contrived, or manipulated situations that deliberately alter the truth are not acceptable in this category.

New for 2024


Images entered into this category must depict an equine subject or subjects. Images may be candid or posed. Images that include humans may be better suited to the Pets and People category.

Awards Overview

The International Pet Photography Awards is the world’s largest professional pet photography competition celebrating the artistry and skill of pet photographers from all around the globe. 

With another all-star panel of judges, six categories, cash prizes, trophies and certificates for our category and overall winners and judges feedback on all images entered.

Your top scoring image will also gain points towards becoming an Accredited International Pet Photographer.

Plus it’s your chance to be crowned the International Pet Photographer of the Year.

Who can enter

The International Pet Photography Awards are open to all professional and amateur photographers. 

Entrants under the age of 18 may enter, however, due to laws in many countries, entrants under the age of 18 at the time of entries opening are not eligible to win any cash prizes. Trophies and certificates, along with category and overall titles will still be awarded to entrants under the age of 18.

Judges may enter the competition for the purpose of earning points towards the Accredited International Pet Photographer Program and receiving feedback on their work.

As such, their images will be scored and awarded in the same way as other entrants, earning scores from 60-100 and the associated badges for their scores. Judges accumulate points for the Accredited International Pet Photographer Program in the same way as all entrants. Judges can not become finalists or category/overall award winners, regardless of their individual image scores. 

During the judging process images are presented for judging anonymously. Judges never see or score their own images, and any judge who recognises the work of another photographer (fellow judge or otherwise) must abstain from judging that image.

What can be entered

For the purpose of the awards, we will be using the definition of ‘pet’; “a domesticated species or an animal that is kept for companionship or pleasure”.

Images entered into the International Pet Photography Awards must be from original photographs captured by the entrant. All elements that make up an entry must have been captured on or after 1 January 2019. 

Entrants may enter up to 20 images in the International Pet Photography Awards.There is no limit on the number of images an entrant can submit to each category. 

Entrants should consider the same subject rule when deciding on their entries. Additional images depicting the same subject in a similar way (background, lighting, composition etc), may be disqualified.

Awards & Prizes


Images scoring in the following ranges will be awarded:

70-74 - Bronze Award

75-79 - Bronze with Distinction Award

80-84 - SilverAward

85-89 - Silver with Distinction Award

90-94 - Gold Award

95-100 - Platinum Award

A badge and certificate will be provided for every image scoring in award range.

The top 10 scoring images in each category will receive the Finalist award, which consists of a badge and certificate.

The winning image in each category will also receive a badge and certificate.

Cash Prizes & Trophies

All category winners will receive a cash prize of US$250 plus a trophy and the title ‘2024 International [category] Pet Photographer of the Year’. Along with a one year membership to Unleashed Education and a one year membership to the Professional Photography Business Network.

The Overall Winner will receive a cash prize of US$500 plus a trophy and the title of ‘2024 International Pet Photographer of the Year’. Along with a one-hour private mentoring session with Charlotte Reeves and Craig Turner-Bullock from Unleashed Education and a two-hour private mentoring session with Mark Rossetto from the Professional Photography Business Network.

Prize money is in US Dollars. Prizes can not be exchanged for alternatives.

Entry Information

Important 2024 Dates

May 1 - Full details available
July 16 - Pre-Awards image Critique Call
July 18-31 - Early Bird entries open
August 1-31 - Entries open
September 15 - October 19 - Online judging
November 1 - Category Finalist announcements
November 9 - Live Online Award Ceremony
November 11 - All entrant scores & feedback available


The International Pet Photography Awards will be judged online during September and October 2024. A selection of 16 international specialist professional pet and animal photographers have been chosen for their extensive experience and photographic skill across all genres of pet photography. 

The judges assessment criteria includes visual impact, technical excellence and emotional response. As well as the level of originality, vision and creativity. Judges will also take into consideration the animals body language and behaviour displayed in the images.

Each image receives a score between 60 and 100 from five judges. Judges must abstain from judging entries that are known to them.

The final score of the entry is the average score from all five scores given. Each entry also receives two pieces of written feedback, from two different judges at no additional cost. Entrants may indicate if they do not require feedback at the time of entry, however the entry fee will remain the same.

Entrants will receive their individual image scores, awards and feedback by logging into the International Pet Photography Awards portal after November 11, 2024. 

The Online Award Ceremony will take place on November 9, 2024. The Ceremony will reveal the top 100 entries across all categories, announce any newly accredited photographers and the category and overall winners for the competition. Entrants individual scores and badges will not be revealed until they become available along with feedback on November 11. If your image does not appear at the Award Ceremony, it does not necessarily mean you have not won an award.

Each image will receive a score based on the following scoring ranges:

60-64 - Below Pro Standard

65-69 - Pro Standard

70-74 - Bronze

75-79 - Bronze with Distinction

80-84 - Silver

85-89 - Silver with Distinction

90-94 - Gold

95-100 - Platinum

The top ten highest scoring images in each category will be the category finalists. A panel of no less than five judges will vote to determine category winners. 

The overall 2024 International Pet Photographer of the Year will be determined through a closed judging via Zoom by a panel of no less than five judges. Overall “International Pet Photographer of the Year” finalists are the five entrants with the highest cumulative score from their top five entries from across any categories.

Feedback for Entrants

We believe that constructive feedback from peers is crucial to growing as a photographer. That’s why we are very excited  that all images entered into the International Pet Photography Awards will receive written feedback from two judges at no additional cost. This valuable critique is the personal opinion of the judge providing it and is always given with the intention of helping you improve your craft.

Entrants contacting judges directly to discuss or dispute their scores or feedback is not permitted and may result in disqualification. All scores are final, and no disputes will be entered into. If you have a question or concern about the awards, your scores or any other topic not answered  in the awards information provided, including the FAQ's, please contact the awards organisers  directly through this link. 

Entry Fees

Earlybird Entries (18-31 July)

Single Image $22

5 Images $90 ($18 each)

10 Images $160 ($16 each)

20 Images $280 ($14 each)

Regular Entries (1-31 August)

Single Image $25

5 Images $100 ($20 each)

10 Images $180 ($18 each)

20 Images $320 ($16 each)

All prices are in USD.

Maximum of 20 entries per person.

If you are a Premium Member of Unleashed Education you will receive one free entry. If you are a Lifetime Member of Unleashed Education, you will receive two free entries. To find out more about membership options look here.

Image Submission Requirements

Entries into the International Pet Photography Awards must be submitted digitally. 

1. Entries must be finalised and submitted in the International Pet Photography Awards Portal by 5pm on Saturday 31 August 2024 AEST

2. JPEGs are the only accepted file type. TIFF, PNG, PSD or RAW files are not accepted

3. RAW files must be available upon request

4. Image format and size requirements are as follows: 

  • 3000px on the longest side, 72ppi resolution
  • sRGB colour profile
  • Maximum quality JPEG
  • Metadata must include Creation Date

5. There are no required naming conventions - your entry will be automatically renamed on upload

How to Enter

1. Register

When entries open, log in or sign up through the Awards Portal. This is where you will upload and manage your entries, receive your scores and feedback when available, and see your accrued points towards becoming an Accredited International Pet Photographer.

2. Purchase Entries

Buy as many entries as you think you will need. You can always purchase more entries later, up to a maximum of 20 entries. Buy more, save more - discounts available for multiple entries, see pricing above. Buy entries all the way up until the closing date.

3. Upload Entries

Upload your images to the Awards Portal. If you need help with image requirements and checking your images, we'll be releasing some tutorials when entries open.

4. Submit Entries

Submit your entries any time before the final deadline of 5pm AEST on Saturday 31 August 2024.

Entry Rules

The International Pet Photography Awards are designed to celebrate the best in pet photography around the world. 

The following general rules apply to all categories:

  • All images must be captured by the entrant, including any elements in composite images, such as textures, overlays, sky replacements.
  • All images must be photographic creations. AI or computer generated images, text or any other non-photographic elements are not permitted.
  • All images, including all individual elements used to make up an entry,  must have been captured on or after 1 January 2019. Each image entered must contain the original capture metadata, or in the case of a composite image, have the original metadata for each element available upon request.
  • Outsourcing any editing/post production is not permitted. All editing work must be completed by the entrant.
  • Images captured at a workshop, retreat or under direct instruction from a mentor/teacher are ineligible.
  • Images that have previously been entered into the International Pet Photography Awards (including any previous iterations of the same competition) cannot be entered again.
  • RAW files or other types of original capture files must be provided on request. Failure to submit such files within 48 hours of a request being made will result in disqualification of the entry and forfeiture of any entry fees paid or prizes awarded.
  • Photographs with any type of watermark, including your name, initials, logo or other words or symbols embossed or imprinted anywhere on your entry are not permitted.
  • Entrants are responsible for obtaining the appropriate model and/or property releases for their entries. These must be provided upon request. Failure to submit releases within 48 hours of a request being made will result in disqualification of the entry and forfeiture of any entry fees paid or prizes awarded.
  • Images must include a “pet” - the definition of a “pet” is; “a domesticated species or an animal that is kept for companionship or pleasure”.
  • Images of wildlife or zoo animals are not permitted.
  • The animal must be discernible in the image, even if the whole animal is not depicted.
  • Images that could be interpreted as cruel, harmful, non-respectful of the pet/animal’s well being or promoting unsafe practices, including, but not limited to; animals on train tracks or images taken using coloured powders, are not permitted. Images highlighting animal welfare issues, sporting events, working dogs, including hunting and activities the animals were bred to complete in are excluded from this rule (these kinds of images may be best suited to the documentary category).
  • Images of the same subject may be entered, providing they look completely different. If the location, light, composition pose or other elements are similar/the same, the images may be disqualified.
  • The use of stock photos, purchased digital backdrops, textures or graphics, is not permitted.
  • The use of computer-generated and Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology, for example CGI and AI such as Midjourney, to create entire images or new elements in an image is not permitted.
  • AI tools in editing programs including but not limited to Denoise AI in Adobe Lightroom and Remove Tool and Generative Fill in Adobe Photoshop, may be used to remove items in the image and replace with generated content true to the original image, but not to add elements that were not originally present.
  • Images must not infringe copyright, moral rights, property, person, or other third-party rights. The entrant will indemnify and keep indemnified any claim by a third party in relation to their work.
  • In addition to competition general rules, images must comply with the Terms and Conditions of entry.

Editing Rules

All Categories

  • All elements of an entry must be 100% photographic in origin.
  • Additional images used in composites, textures, and brushes must be derived from original photographs taken by the entrant. Default Photoshop brushes or purchased brushes may only be used for the purpose of masking, dodging or burning.
  • The use of computer-generated and Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology, for example CGI and AI such as Midjourney, to create entire images or new elements in an image is not permitted.
  • AI tools in editing programs including but not limited to Denoise AI in Adobe Lightroom and Remove Tool and Generative Fill in Adobe Photoshop, may be used to remove items in the image and replace with generated content true to the original image, but not to add elements that were not originally present.
  • Digital frames or borders are not permitted, unless essential to image presentation, such as in diptychs, triptychs, creative composites, or oval/circular frames.
Permitted basic post-production techniques include:
  • Tone and colour adjustments
  • Black & white conversion
  • Sharpening
  • Noise reduction
  • Cropping
  • Lens correction
  • Vignetting
  • Levelling of horizons
  • Perspective correction

Standard Editing 

Categories: Portrait, Action, Pets and People, Equine, Creative

Standard editing is intended to reward technical and creative excellence in photographing and presenting images with all post production and composite techniques allowed.

All forms of post-production techniques may be used, including but not limited to:

  • Series - diptychs, triptychs etc
  • Panoramic stitches
  • Focus stacking techniques
  • In-camera multiple exposures
  • HDR
  • Composite images created from two or more images
  • Textures

Documentary Editing

Category: Documentary

The Documentary category is intended to reward the technical and creative excellence in traditional purist documentary photography practices. An entry may be presented as a series, such as diptychs, triptychs, etc.

Post-production techniques applied must not obscure or eliminate elements, affect the authenticity of the original image, or create an effect not authentic to the original RAW capture.

Post-production techniques may only be used to enhance an image without altering the authenticity of the scene or subject matter of the original capture. Composite images are not permitted.

In addition to the basic post-production techniques listed for all categories above, permitted cloning practices include: 

  • Removal of dust spots, sensor spots and scratches

Terms and Conditions


If an entrant knowingly breaks the rules, their image/s will be disqualified and awarded prizes where relevant must be returned. In addition to breaking general and/or category rules, images may be disqualified if:

  • An image is considered to be plagiarised (although homage to an artist is acceptable)
  • An image contains inappropriate content for public viewing, including obscene, provocative, defamatory, sexually explicit or otherwise objectionable content
  • The image contains content that is considered an unsafe practice or could result in being harmful to the subject
  • The image does not meet the size, colour profile, file format or metadata requirements outlined in the rules
  • An image contains information (e.g. graphics or watermarks) that identifies the creator
  • The image has a digital border or frame, unless essential to image presentation, such as in diptychs, triptychs or creative composites.
  • The entrant is unable to supply requested RAW/capture files within 48 hours
  • The entrant is unable to supply a model or property release within 48 hours, if one is required in the country of origin
  • Any images that have been entered into previous year's International Pet Photography Awards (including the prior name of International Pet Photographer of the Year Awards)
  • Entrants contacting judges directly to discuss or dispute their scores or feedback is not permitted and may result in disqualification. Grievances may be raised by contacting us directly through this link.
  • Entrants abusing, threatening or assaulting judges or organisers online or in person, verbally or physically, will be disqualified, banned from future awards and may be prosecuted. 
  • Grievances may be raised by contacting us directly through this link.
  • The International Pet Photography Awards organisers have the right to re-categorise, remove and disqualify any entry without public dispute.
  • Any attempt to circumvent the entry process will result in instant disqualification.


Copyright of all images entered will remain the property of the entrant. The International Pet Photography Awards reserves the right to use images entered, whether awarded or not, for the purposes of marketing, promotion or education in relation to the International Pet Photography Awards only. Images will be credited to the photographer wherever possible. 

The entrant owns all rights and takes full responsibility that the work submitted is original, and does not infringe the copyright, moral rights, or other rights of any third party. The entrant will indemnify and keep indemnified any claim by a third party in relation to their work.

Competition Legalities

Entry fees and prizes are quoted in US dollars. The total prize pool of cash and prizes across the awards is $1750. 

Prizes will be as stated, with no alternative prizes available for winners. If the International Pet Photography Awards cannot contact the winning entrant by phone or email within a reasonable time frame, the judges may award the prize to another entry.

The promoter of the International Pet Photography Awards is UNLEASHED EDUCATION PTY LTD, ABN 96651285184 (Australia).

Earlybird entries open at 8am AEST on Thursday 18 July 2024 and close at 5pm AEST on Wednesday 31 July 2024. Regular entries open at 5pm AEST on Wednesday 31 July 2024 and close at 5pm AEST on Saturday 31 August 2024. No late entries will be accepted.

The 2024 International Pet Photography Awards Ceremony will be held live online on Saturday 9th November 2024. Winner announcements will be available online shortly after the ceremony concludes. 

Entrants' scores and feedback will be available in the entry portal on the International Pet Photography Awards website no later than Monday 11 November 2024.

The decisions of the judges and the International Pet Photography Awards in relation to any aspect of these awards are final. 

Any areas or issues not explicitly covered by these terms and conditions and other competition rules will be interpreted by the International Pet Photography Awards if and as they arise.

The laws of Australia exclusively apply to these Rules and your participation in the Awards. You irrevocably submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Australian Courts.

Frequently Asked Questions